Klondike (2022)
Directed by Maryna Er Gorbach
The story of a Ukrainian family living on the border of Ukraine and Russia during the start of the war. Irka refuses to leave her house even as the village gets captured by armed forces. Shortly after they find themselves at the center of an international air crash catastrophe on July 17, 2014.
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Comic in the darkest of ways, and searing in many others, Klondike is a reminder that even in the most precarious of times, the mundanities of life go on — and that war’s toll on ordinary people is often unfathomable.
Alissa Wilkinson, Vox
Personal and political turmoil face a serene camera in Klondike, a vision of the ongoing war in Donbass war that brooks no compromise in depicting the severe impact of the conflict on the region’s civilians.
Guy Lodge, Variety
Gorbach expertly balances levity in the midst of all this trauma, with Cherkashyna’s comic timing the glue.
Marya E. Gates, RobertEbert.com